To find out about our cottages in Guadeloupe
For information if you want to reach us by phone.
When we are in winter time in Metropolitan France there are 5 hours less in Guadeloupe.
Or 6 hours less in Guadeloupe in summer time.
Ex: It is 11:00 (winter time in Metropolitan France), so it is 6:00 am in Guadeloupe.
It would be 5:00 in the morning in summer time.
Location of the Lamateliane cottages Guadeloupe / Access
The distance from the airport to your rental is only 33 kms (approx. 20.5 miles); it is direct by the N1 National Road.
The Lamateliane cottages are located at the exit of Sainte-Marie on the island of Basse-Terre.
Halfway between Goyave and Capesterre, it is the ideal situation for visiting Basse-Terre as well as Grande-Terre.
From the 3000 sqm property (approx. 33 000 sq.ft.), you can enjoy terrific views of the sea and the Gosier bay.
At only 1.5 km (approx. 0.6 miles) from the Lamateliane cottages,
you’ll find the Roseau Beach, pleasant and familiar; protected by coral reefs.
The people are friendly and welcoming in the small proximate villages (Sainte-Marie, Goyage).
These villages are essentialy agricultural, situated in the middle of banana plantations and sugar cane fields.
The nearby shops are 7 km (approx. 4.3 miles) away from your rental, in Goyave and Capesterre : Leader Price, 8 to 8,
U Express, gas stations, bakeries, tabaco shops, doctors and pharmacies…
A bigger supermarket is located in Baie-Mahault at approx. 20 km (12.5 miles)
where you’ll find the Destrelland Shopping Mall with its 180 shops.
Legal notice
Lamatéliane / Arnauld LECERRE - Ste Marie Belair - 97130 Capesterre Belle Eau
E-mail: (replace the (A) by an @ if the link does not work) / Tel. : +590 590 86 31 37
SIRET: 53130103400017 / NAF: 5510Z
Website Hosting: OVH / Roubaix - France (
Lamatéaline coattges are affiliated with a mediator.
Contacts, details, and method of referral are available on the mediator's website: