The Soufriere Volcano in Saint-Claude
Leave your cottage in Lamateliane and follow us for a hike to the Soufriere Volcano in Saint-Claude.
Also named “the Old Lady”, the Soufriere is one of the nine active volcanos of the Lesser Antilles.
Its sommet, which goes by the name of The Discovery, is situated at 1467 m (4013 ft.).
To climb the Soufriere is the same as offering oneself a panoramic view of Guadeloupe and the archipelago of les Saintes.
Once at the top, after 1h30 to 2 hours of walking without any real difficulty, you won’t find
a true crater but several eruptive vents and some abysses from which sulfurous fumeroles escape.
Feel like seeing some more before embarking on the climb ?
This video will give you a good idea of the hike, starting at the Yellow Baths until arriving at the sommet.
It is possible to combine this hike with bathing in the warm sulfurous water of the Yellow Baths on your way down.